1. What is *Manual Instruction?*

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2. What is *The Purpose of Manual Instruction?*
3. What are *The Generic Structure of Manual Instruction?*
4. Give *3 Examples of Manual Instruction?*
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1. What is *Manual Instruction?*


semoga membantu,maaf klo salah


1. Instructions for Use (Manual) are instructions/how to use information technology and/or electronics products. information and electronics.

2..The purpose of the preparation of this manual is to provide guidance on the sequence of work for individuals in a work unit in completing one type of work.

3. contains the intent and purpose of the related procedure text. .materials: contains the materials needed to perform the stages of a procedure text. Steps: a list of sequential steps to complete the procedure text stages.

4. For example it's like a way / recipe to do something.



1. What is *Manual Instruction?*

2. What is *The Purpose of Manual Instruction?*

3. What are *The Generic Structure of Manual Instruction?*

4. Give *3 Examples of Manual Instruction?*


1. Apa itu *Petunjuk Manual?*

2. Apa *Tujuan Instruksi Manual?*

3. Apa itu *Struktur Umum Instruksi Manual?*

4. Berikan *3 Contoh Instruksi Manual?*GTW

1. Manual book is a book that provides information that guides or provides guidance to the reader to do what is stated in the book.

2.Work instructions (IK) are a set of steps that a person takes to complete a job safely and completely. The purpose of the preparation of this manual is to provide a work order guide for individuals in a work unit in completing one type of work.



1.Buku panduan atau Manual book adalah buku yang menyajikan informasi yang memandu atau memberikan tuntunan kepada pembaca untuk melakukan apa yang disampaikan dalam buku tersebut.

2.Instruksi Kerja (IK) adalah sekumpulan langkah yang dilakukan seseorang guna menyelesaikan pekerjaan secara aman dan lengkap.Tujuan dari penyusunan pedoman ini adalah untuk memberikan panduan urutan kerja bagi individu dalam suatu unit kerja dalam menyelesaikan satu jenis pekerjaan.