Buatlah percakapan bertemu teman sekelas di siang hari bahasa Inggris

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Buatlah percakapan bertemu teman sekelas di siang hari bahasa Inggris

A: hallo
b: hai
a: how are you?
b: i am fine, and you?
a: i am fine too
b: what's your name?
a: my name is al fac, and you?
b: my name is bana.
a: nice to meet you
b: nice to meet you too
a: by

sorry mah kalau salah

A : hello! nice to meet you

B : nice to meet you too. how are you doing at this sunny day?

A : im going to swimming pool because the weather is hot now

B : i see. then, see you later!

A : see you!