1) Tigers can run at a very high speed when chasing a prey

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2) tyrannosaurus rex could _____ up to 7 tons 3) chameleon can ____ the color of its skin for the purpose
of camouflage4) snowy owl could ___ their eyes but they could ___ their
head5) a giant panda can ___ for about 30 years6) apatosaurus or brontosaurus  was the largest land and animal ever existed.
It could ___ up to 27 meters long7) ankylosaurus had a club like tail and could ____ itself
using the tail8) orangutans is a native animal can indonesia. It can ___
from one branch to another9) ostriches could ___ very fast but they could ____
10) the dodo once lived on the island of mauritius. They looked like pigeon but
they could ___Change , live, swivel, swing, defend
Run, fly, grow, fly, more

1) Tigers can run at a very high speed when chasing a prey

4)sharp their eyes,rotate their head.
9)run very fast,but they could can't fly.
10)could can't fly