Pair with your seatmate! Decide whether the sentences are written in active or passive!

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1. You might see dolphins here
2. The report must be completed by next Friday
3. They were singing a son in the lesson yesterday
4. A letter was written to her some days ago
5. The balck bike is being repaired at the moment
6. The fire has been extinguished by the firefighters
7. Anna puts her bike inside the garage
8. This house is built by my father
9. I will ride this motorcycle back to my house
10. He won’t be forgiven
#dilarang ngasal

Pair with your seatmate! Decide whether the sentences are written in active or passive!

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


  1. Active
  2. Passive
  3. Active
  4. Passive
  5. Passive
  6. Passive
  7. Active
  8. Passive
  9. Active
  10. Passive


Perintah soal: Decide whether the sentences are written in active or passive!

  • Tentukan apakah kalimat tersebut aktif atau pasif!

Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat yg berisi Subject melakukan aksi/tindakan dalam kalimatnya.

Berikut kalimat aktif Berdasarkan Rumus:

1. (+) S + might + V1 + O

➡ You might see dolphins here

3. (+) S + was/were + V-ing + O

➡ They were singing a son in the lesson yesterday

7. (+) S + V1 (-s/es) + O

➡ Anna puts her bike inside the garage

9. (+) S + will + V1 + O

➡ I will ride this motorcycle back to my house

Sedangkan Kalimat Passive adalah kalimat yang bukan melakukan aksi tapi berisi Subject diberi aksi.

Berikut Kalimat Pasif Berdasarkan Rumus:

2. (+) S + must + V3 + By

➡ The report must be completed by next Friday

4. (+) S + was/were + V3 + By

➡ A letter was written to her some days ago

5. (+) S + is/am/are + being + V3 + By

➡ The balck bike is being repaired at the moment

6. (+) S + has/have + been + V3 + By

➡ The fire has been extinguished by the firefighters

8. (+) S + is/am/are + V3 + By

➡ This house is built by my father

10. (-) S + will not/won’t + be + V3

➡ He won’t be forgiven


  • Pola dasar Passive adalah Be + V3
  • By him/her/people boleh tidak digunakan jika Agent tidak diketahui

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Link Terkait Passive Voice




  • Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
  • Materi: Active-Passive Voice
  • Level: JHS (9)
  • Kode Soal: 5
  • Kode Kategorisasi: 9.5
