Fill in use correct preference!

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a. Sisca . . . get lost . . . walk with you.
b. They . . . . . . practice basketball . . . . practice football.
c. They .. . . . . . to sing . . . . . . to dance
d. He . . . . . . writing English articles . . . . . writing novels.
e. Mother . . . . . . . you stopped played online game.

Fill in use correct preference!

Jawaban :

a. Wouldn't, If she

b. Didn't, They

c. Practice, and

d. Was, and

e. Said

Akhirnya bakal jadi kayak gini :

a. Sisca Wouldn't get lost If she walk with you

b. They Didn't practice basketball, They practice football

c. They Practice to sing And to dance.

d. He Was writing english articles And writing novels.

e. Mother Said you stopped played online game.

Maaf kalo salah. semoga membantu.