Passive voice dari kalimat

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1. the student is playing a vidio game
2.the tourist are taking the picteres
3.the baker is making the breads
4. a little girls is stealing a manggo
5. mrs thomson does some exercises jodi watches the television
7. the child writes an article
8. the girls broke some pictures
9. her parent sent a telegram
the teacher expleaned a new lessons

Passive voice dari kalimat

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. a video game is being played by the student.
2. the pictures are being taken by the tourists.
3. the bread is being made by the baker.
4. a mango is being stolen by a little girl.
5. some exercises are done by mrs thomson.
6. the television is watched by mr jodi.
7. an article is written by the child.
8. some pictures were broken by the girls.
9. a telegram was sent by her parent.
10. a new lesdon was explained by the teacher.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: passive voice

1. The video game is being played by the student.
2. The pictures are being taken by the tourist.
3. The bread is being made by the baker.
4. A mango is stolen by the little girls.
5. Some exercises are done by Mrs.Thomson.
6. The TV is watched by Mr.Jodi.
7. An article is written by the child.
8. Some pictures were broken by the girls.
9. A telegram is sent by her parent.
10. New lessons are explained by the teacher.