Intruksi pemasangan regulator lpg

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Intruksi pemasangan regulator lpg

1. The first step you should do is make sure that you buy gas tube berlogokan SNI and does not leak usually found on the foot ring connection and gas cylinder head. To test it, you can smear it on the neck of the gas cylinder using soapy water. If there are bubbles, the tube of the gas leak, but otherwise if there are no bubbles means that the tubes were no leaks and safe to use.
2. After that, make sure there is gas in the head tube rubber (Rubber Seal) conditions are still pliable, smooth, not easily torn and in accordance with the circumference of the hole diameter of the gas tube.
3. Then, make sure there are no sources of ignition when the installation of the regulator to the gas cylinder
4. After that, psangkan regulator to position perpendicular to the neck of the tube and then turn the existing lock on the side of the regulator clockwise or 180 degrees.
5. If at the time of installation of the regulator you hear a "cess" or hiss, immediately open the regulator and rubber exchange gas with new gas rubber or rubber tube that previously.
6. If at the time of installation there is a hissing sound you can turn on the gas stove by turning knopnya in the ON position.
7. If after turned on the gas stove does not issue fire, then observe the round needle on the regulator. If the needle on the regulator not to the right, then it's likely your regulator broken stove so the stove can not be lit up.
8. However, if the regulator needle towards the right and the stove can not be lit, then you turn off the gas stove (rotary knob on the OFF position) then you pat it gently on the stove regulator and down and shake the hose. and then try to turn on the gas stove.
9. When the gas stove still can not live, you try to redeem the gas tube with a new gas cylinder, the possibility of a pressure regulator parts you panjanganya not appropriate length of neck tube gas.