. With more and more people moving out of rural areas and into cities, _ farms in many parts of the world with a growing challenge *

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10 points
(A) it has left
(B) has left
(C) left C
(D) that it has left

. With more and more people moving out of rural areas and into cities, _ farms in many parts of the world with a growing challenge *

d.that it has left(bahwa ia telah pergi)


Dengan semakin banyak orang pindah dari daerah pedesaan dan ke kota, _ pertanian di banyak bagian dunia dengan pertumbuhan


. With more and more people moving out of rural areas and into cities, _ farms in many parts of the world with a growing challenge *

10 points

(A) it has left

(B) has left

(C) left C

(D) that it has left



(D) that it has left


pembahasan :


With more and more people moving out of rural areas and into cities, that it has left farms in many parts of the world with a growing challenge

artinya :

Dengan semakin banyak orang pindah dari daerah pedesaan dan ke kota-kota, hal itu telah meninggalkan pertanian di banyak bagian dunia dengan tantangan yang semakin besar

semoga membantu <3