Kecak Dance is one of Balinese dances in Bali Island. Kecak Dance is very popular in

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Indonesia. If you hear people yell "cak-cakcak-cak" it tends to be Kecak Dance. The
performance consists of 20 or 30 people. Kecak dance is the dance that tells the story about
Ramayana Story
Kecak Dance performs at night, and Uluwatu is the best and famous place to enjoy the
Kecak Dance. The dance performance will start on 18:00 WITA or 6 PM every day. One of
the places that you can watch kecak dance is Uluwatu Temple. Uluwatu Temple is located 45
minutes from airport.

what is the story behind kecak dance?

Kecak Dance is one of Balinese dances in Bali Island. Kecak Dance is very popular in

Jawaban: The Balinese Kecak Dance performance which takes the theme of the Ramayana story will tell about the king of the Ayodya kingdom named Rama. As a result of the conflict in the royal family, Rama had to isolate himself into the forest. Balinese Kecak dance is classified as a sacred dance.

Penjelasan: semoga bermanfaat 🙂

Pertunjukan tari kecak Bali yang mengambil tema cerita Ramayana akan menceritakan tentang raja kerajaan Ayodya bernama Rama. Karena adanya konflik dalam keluarga kerajaan, membuat Rama harus mengasingkan diri ke dalam hutan. … Tari Kecak Bali tergolong tarian sakral.

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