Contoh dialog Uncertainty

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Contoh dialog Uncertainty

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Bob : There must be some mistake.
Anne : I doubt it, but let me double check…
Bob : Do you think the meeting will end on schedule?
Anne : I don’t think so. We’re way behind. What do you think?
Bob : You never know, but it is unlikely.
Anne : By the way, how do you think the stock market will do this week?
Bob : I’m almost positive it’ll keep going up.
Anne : I’m not sure. But you could be right.
Bob : Anyway, can you finish the monthly report by Tuesday, Anne?
Anne : I seriously doubt it. There’s still a lot to be done on it.
Bob : Well, how about Friday?
Anne : I’ll do my best. I’ll probably have it ready by then.
Bob : Oh, yea. Will the Stars win the championship game?
Anne : They could, but I doubt it. Do you think they will?
Bob : Anything is possible, but chances are they will lose.

Fanny : Hi, Jun!
Jun : oh hello, Fanny! how's life?
fanny : i'm good. how about you?
jun : me too. do you know that vico was injured because of car accident?
fanny : yes, i do. but i'm not sure that he's really injured. well, you know that vico always deceive us. so i dont believe that news.
jun: well, i think so. but we have to make sure about that isn't it?
fanny : yup! lets go, i know his home. we can go there.