Buatlah kisah pengalamanmu yang terjadi di masa lampau, sebanyak 10 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris​

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Buatlah kisah pengalamanmu yang terjadi di masa lampau, sebanyak 10 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris​


When I went to park by a bike yesterday. It was my first time had ridden a bike to park. My father wanted to accompany me, however I'm refused it. And twenty minutes later, I went back home. My shirt was wet and dirty because when I was riding the bike. A dog suddenly passed in front of me. Then I'm fell into a ditch, I was embrassing but I've fun too. Suddenly my parents laughed so hard when I told the incidents. Well it's really not my lucky day but nope.

Semoga bermanfaat ndee <3