Exercises E1. A number of standard-setting organizations offer memberships to business firms. You are working for Grace Henry, chief information officer (CIO) of Flex-Electric, a mid-sized company that manufactures components for electronic medical and laboratory instruments Grace asks you to investigate the benefits of joining an industry standard-setting organi- zation, RosettaNet. Prepare a memo to Grace in which you outline the purposes of the organization and the costs and benefits of becoming a member. Close your memo with a recommendation regarding whether your company should join the organization.​

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Exercises E1. A number of standard-setting organizations offer memberships to business firms. You are working for Grace Henry, chief information officer (CIO) of Flex-Electric, a mid-sized company that manufactures components for electronic medical and laboratory instruments Grace asks you to investigate the benefits of joining an industry standard-setting organi- zation, RosettaNet. Prepare a memo to Grace in which you outline the purposes of the organization and the costs and benefits of becoming a member. Close your memo with a recommendation regarding whether your company should join the organization.​


Latihan E1. Sejumlah organisasi penetapan standar menawarkan keanggotaan untuk perusahaan bisnis. Anda bekerja untuk Grace Henry, chief information officer (CIO) dari Flex-Electric, sebuah perusahaan menengah yang memproduksi komponen untuk instrumen medis dan laboratorium elektronik Grace meminta Anda untuk menyelidiki manfaat bergabung dengan organisasi penetapan standar industri, RosettaNet. Persiapkan memo untuk Rahmat di mana Anda menguraikan tujuan organisasi dan biaya serta manfaat menjadi anggota. Tutup memo Anda dengan rekomendasi mengenai apakah perusahaan Anda harus bergabung dengan organisasi.