Contoh pidato singkat inggris tentang kota bekasi

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Contoh pidato singkat inggris tentang kota bekasi

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

good morning everybody

the honorable my teacher and my beloved friends.

today i will deliver speech about Bekasi City

bekasi is a city in west java. located on the eastern border of jakarta within the jabodetabek metropolitan region. as such it serves as a dormitory and factory city for jakarta.

my beloved teacher

There are a number of exciting things to do in Bekasi. From historical sites to cultural attractions, explore the exhaustive list of all other local attractions in Bekasi. Discover new places to see and unique things to do nearby Bekasi. iam sure you'll not feel bored when you visit bekasi. because bekasi has a lot of unique place .

my beloved teacher
i think its enaugh from me. thank you for your attention. sorry for my mistake.

wassalamualaikum wr.wb