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1. This explanation is…. for our next study
2. Iam … because i have taken my friend pencil-case whice is same as mine.
3. That … is good
4. Those … are clever

Isi titik-titiknya ya​


1. This explanation is complete for our next study

2. Iam confused because i have taken my friend pencil-case whice is same as mine.

3. That object is good

4. Those students are clever

1. Karena explanation (penjelasan) memang sifatnya harus lengkap (complete)

2. Karena seharusnya lam bingung (confused) kalau tepat pesilnya hilang

3. Karena kata "good" berlaku untuk semua object

4. Karena mayoritasnya beberapa murid (students) pintar seharusnya kalau disekolahkan