Oh iya foto ke satu bacaan nya foto kedua soalnya ya kak
Lihat ada dua foto
Bantu jawab kak plisss yg bisa bhs inggris aku kasih 15 point yg bsa jawab
1. Some people wanna be like others because they get blamed/mocked for something they can't change. So, we shouldn't make fun of others.This is described with the analogy of a calf that's easily bound and slaughtered that wanted to have wings so the calf could fly like the swallow. But the calf didn't have wings and the farmer blamed the calf for not having wings. And the winds were possibly mocking the calf for not having wings.
2. The calf
3. The swallows have wings and they are able to fly free.
4. The winds are laughing.
5. The farmer
maaf ya kalau jawaban yg pertana kurang tepat krn aku coba analisis sendiri :')