1. teacher : the floor is istill dirty could you………..

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tino : " yes I could.
2. upin : do you go to school by car?
ipin : no I dont!
upin : ………….do you go to school
ipin : I go to school by
3. rina : can you help me !
rini : sure
rina : can you ten me where the mall is
rini : yes I can go straight this way turn left on the
4. ………….on being the first winner of the first english debate contest!
5. don't forget to………..me before you arrive! ( telepon)

1. teacher : the floor is istill dirty could you………..

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. teacher : the floor is istill dirty could you sweep it/clean it please
tino : " yes I could.

2. upin : do you go to school by car?
ipin : no I dont!
upin : How do you go to school
ipin : I go to school by motor cyle

3. rina : can you help me !
rini : sure
rina : can you tell me
where the mall is ?
rini : yes I can .
go straight this way turn left on the intersection

4. How do you feel on being the first winner of the first english debate contest?

5. don't forget to call me before you arrive!


1. Sweep the floor.
2. How
3. intersection (?)
4. Congratulation
5. call