Tolong dibantu yahmakasihhh

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Tolong dibantu yahmakasihhh

Tolong dibantu yahmakasihhh

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Creating Rules Inside The Class Using Should and Had better



Should memiliki makna seharusnya, kata should sendiri merupakan bentuk lampau dari shall, dengan penggunaan yang berbeda.

Selain untuk melakukan permintaan, kata should dapat digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu tugas atau sesuatu yang memiliki keharusan untuk dilakukan (duty or oblgation). Contohnya: You should tell him the truth atau They should pay the salary in time. Selain itu, kata Should bisa digunakan pada conditional clause / sentence untuk mengekspresikan kemungkinan atau pengandaian (possibilities or suppositions)

Had better merupakan kata yang artinya lebih baik dan advice untuk melakukan sesuatu. Had better bisa digunakan untuk masa kini dan masa yang akan datang. Biasanya ditujukan untuk penggunaan nasihat-nasihat tertentu.


  • Had better + bare infinitives
  • Had better + not + bare infinitives (bentuk negative)


1. You should greet your friends are teacher when you are meeting them

2. You’d better keep your belongings organized in your table

3. You shouldn’t play with your phone inside the class

4. You should pay attention to teacher’s explanation

5. You’d better keep your uniform tidy and clean

6. You shouldn’t bring any valuable belongings to the class if not asked

7. You should keep silent during the prayer time

8. You’d better bring your own meal from the house to eat with your friends

9. You shouldn’t disturb your classmates during a lesson

10. You’d better be honest answering the exam’s question

11. You should carry your own book notes from the house

12. You should keep your class clean

13. You’d better help Mrs. Tirza to bring her books

14. You shouldn’t be afraid of our Principal. He’s a good man

15. You’d better be helpful when a teacher asked for help

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Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Grammar

Kode: 10.5.1

Kata kunci: Should, Had better