Teks pengalaman pribadi maximal 10 kalimat dengan bahasa inggris

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Teks pengalaman pribadi maximal 10 kalimat dengan bahasa inggris

On Saturday 26 Desember, I went to Farah's birthday party. I was very excited. I went there with Adam and Rani. we wore fancy dress because it was a fancy dress party. I wore a ghost costume, Rani became Xena, the warrior princess, and Adam went as a vampire.

the party started at 8. first, we sang "Happy birthday". then, Farah blew the candles. After that, we ate some food and drank Coke.

later on, we did some games. everybody enjoyed them. I cheered so hard that I nearly lost my voice. while we were playing "Hide and Seek", the light suddenly went out. some girls screamed because they were afraid of the dark. fortunately, ut didn't take long. In ten minutes, the lights went on again and we continued the games.

before the part was over. the MC announced the best costume of the party. Adam got the first prize. he looked so happy.

finally, my dad arrived to take me home. I was so tired, but happy.