find three or four letter words inside the country names 1. bahrain 2.canada 3. yemen 4.turkey 5.iran 6.norway 7.kuwait 8.singapore 9. united arab emirates and write sentences using the short and long words fron actifity

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find three or four letter words inside the country names 1. bahrain 2.canada 3. yemen 4.turkey 5.iran 6.norway 7.kuwait 8.singapore 9. united arab emirates and write sentences using the short and long words fron actifity

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Bahrain : rain, bar, ban, bin, ran, hair
canada : can, and
yemen : yen, men
turkey : yet, key, yurt
iran : rain, ran, air
norway : way, worn, won, wan, warn, yawn, now, nor, yon,
kuwait : wait
singapore : sing, age, ape, sin, sire, sir, ore, orange, range, sore, pore, pores, gore, nip, nap, nape, soap, gape, rain, sign
united arab emirates : den, bar, rate, sate, emir, unit, mite, mate, bat, bate, bin, beer, mire, rim, run, runs