Exercise 9

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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs given!
1. She
home alone yesterday. (go)
2. The wind
throughout the night. (blow)
3. An apple
on his head this morning (drop)
4. The princess's ball
into the well. (roll)
5. A frog
into the well and
it back to her. (jump/bring)
6. Jack
the highest grade in his English class last examination. (get)
7. The party
at 8:00 PM. (begin)
8. John
his old car and
a new one last Sunday. (sell/buy)
9. Jack
up the ladder carefully ysterday. (climb)
10. Who
all the windows this morning? (shut)

Exercise 9

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1). She went alone yesterday.

2). The wind blew throughout the night.

3). An apple dropped on his head this morning.

4). The princess's ball rolled into the well.

5). A frog jumped into the well and brought it back to her.

6). Jack got the highest grade in his English class last examination.

7). The party began at 8.00 p.m

8). John sold his old car and bought a new one last sunday.

9). Jack climbed up the ladder carefully yesterday.

10). Who shut all the windows this morning?

Berikut ini adalah bentuk perubahan kata kerja kedua dari kata kerja di atas :

Go => went => gone (irregular verbs)

Blow => blew => blown (irregular verbs)

Drop => dropped => dropped (regular verbs)

Roll => rolled => rolled (regular verbs)

Jump => jumped => jumped (regular verbs)

Bring => brought => brought (irregular verbs)

Get => got => gotten (irregular verbs)

Begin => began => begun (irregular verbs)

Sell => sold => sold (irregular verbs)

Buy => bought => bought (irregular verbs)

Climb => climbed => climbed (regular verbs)

Shut => shut => shut (irregular verbs)

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang regular and irregular verbs di link :



Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Regular and Irregular verbs

Kelas : 7

Kode Soal : 7.5

Kode Kategorisasi : 7.5.5

1. Goes

2. Blows

3. Dropping

4. Rolling

5. Jumping

6. Getting

7. Begins

8. Selling

9. Climbing

10. Shuting

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