4. Read the text!

Posted on

Dear Viona,
I am sorry I cannot go to the party. Suddenly,
have a toothache. I need to see a dentist.

Thank you.
Your friend,

Answer the question based on
the text!

a. Who writes the message?
b. Why can't Viona go to the party?
c. Where does she go?
Answer: …..​

4. Read the text!


A. Tasya writes the massage.

B. Tasya can't go to the party because she has a toothache and she needs to see a dentist.

C. She goes to see a dentist.

Arti :

A. Tasya menulis pesan.

B. Tasya tidak bisa datang ke pesta karena dia sakit gigi dan dia harus menemui dokter gigi.

C. Dia pergi untuk menemui dokter gigi.

Penjelasan :

No. 1

→ Perhatikan bagian "nama terang dan tanda tangan" :

Thank you.

Your friend,


Dapat kita simpulkan bahwa Tasya dalam surat tersebut berperan sebagai penulis surat.

No. 2

Alasan mengapa Tasya tidak dapat menghadiri pesta terdapat pada kalimat kedua dan ketiga yang berbunyi "Suddenly,have a toothache. I need to see a dentist."

No. 3

"kemana dia pergi?"

Dia pergi menemui dokter gigi untuk memriksakan giginya yang sakit.


a. tasya

b. because, tasya has a toothache.

c. see the dentist

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