1. Dewi Sartika is a Pioneer for women’s education in Indonesia 2. She was bom on gentry family 3. She received an education of Sundanese culture under his care 4. She could solve her school’s finance problem 5. She was evacuating From Bandung due to idenpendence war

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1. Dewi Sartika is a Pioneer for women’s education in Indonesia 2. She was bom on gentry family 3. She received an education of Sundanese culture under his care 4. She could solve her school’s finance problem 5. She was evacuating From Bandung due to idenpendence war


1. Dewi Sartika adalah Pelopor pendidikan wanita di Indonesia

2. Dia dilahirkan di keluarga bangsawan

3. Dia menerima pendidikan budaya Sunda di bawah asuhannya

4. Dia bisa menyelesaikan masalah keuangan sekolahnya

5. Dia mengungsi dari Bandung karena perang idenpendensi