
Posted on

My thi hiilikabintihe mountain
etball Wow Who is your favorite football
Hy the way. do you want to go to the court
Tomorrow? I think I can't what about Monday afternoon
I think we can go together tomorrow, I want to play football
Good idea Let's play football together on Monday afternoon?
Srate whether these sentences are true or false based on the dialog above!
yatakan kalimat kalimat berikut benar atau salah sesuai dialog di atas!)
**** what is yobby?
I agree with young is a
I love playing football
My favorite player is Lionel Messi
skillful players
Yes, you are night
He is very
Activity (2
1.There are three persons in the dialog
2.Tom asks Brian to go to the court
3.Tom and Brian go to the library
4.They go together on Wednesday,
5.Tom invites Brian to go to the library together.




Activity (2)

1.There are three persons in the dialog  - false

2.Tom asks Brian to go to the court  - true

3.Tom and Brian go to the library  - false

4.They go together on Wednesday,  - false

5.Tom invites Brian to go to the library together. – false
