A big storm happened two days a go. It destroyed everything in the city. The electricity went off. All big trees went down. Some people lost their houses animals died. Students cannot go to school because their schools were broken.

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The Indonesian Re-Cross Society helped all the people in the city. They gave them some food, some cloths, and some blanked to protect their body from the cold. They also gave some medicine to the sick people there.
Some people from other village gave their hands to help the people in the city rebuild their houses, schools, and mosques. They worked together without giving any complaint.

16. Who helped the people in the city?
a. The army
b. The president
c. People from other village
d. The Indonesian Red-Cross Society
17. Which of the following statement is FALSE according to the text?
a. The Indonesian Red-Cross Society rebuild the houses.
b. A big storm destroyed everything in the city.
c. Some people from other village helped to rebuild the houses, schools and mosques.
d. Because of the schools broke, the students couldn’t go to school.
18. They gave them some food. (paragraph 2)What does the underline word refer to ?
a. Some people from the city.
b. The students from the village.
c. Some people from other village.
d. The Indonesian Red-Cross Society.

A big storm happened two days a go. It destroyed everything in the city. The electricity went off. All big trees went down. Some people lost their houses animals died. Students cannot go to school because their schools were broken.

16.D.indonesian red cross society
17.A.the indonesian red cross society rebuild the house
18.it's between A and D,i'm sorry but there's no underlined word.