1. Mr bowo has … elephant on his farm.2. can you to turn on … television? i want to watch … news. 3. my father bought is …. new car last week. 4. excume me? can you tell me where …. train station is from … centre of Surabaya. 5. Mr hadi ia on … rice field. 6. Mrs Nuri ia … very nice woman. would you live to meet her? 7. my sister ia writing … letter. 8. let’s go to … cinema this evening. 9. we live in …. countyside, we are twenty kilometers from …. centre of Surabaya.​

Posted on

1. Mr bowo has … elephant on his farm.2. can you to turn on … television? i want to watch … news. 3. my father bought is …. new car last week. 4. excume me? can you tell me where …. train station is from … centre of Surabaya. 5. Mr hadi ia on … rice field. 6. Mrs Nuri ia … very nice woman. would you live to meet her? 7. my sister ia writing … letter. 8. let’s go to … cinema this evening. 9. we live in …. countyside, we are twenty kilometers from …. centre of Surabaya.​

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