Bantu dong kk:(

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Bacalah setiap kalimat dibawah ini dan tentukanlah kata atau frasa yang harus ditukar untuk menjadi kalimat yang benar

11. He can’t sing any more on account to his failing health.

12. Thanks from my father, my brother has a new car.

13. As a result at the test, all the students passed the test well.

14. The quality on the products is not good to export.

15. The reason above him not to sign the contract is not fact.

16. William is quite fond on cooking Oriental food.
17. He apologized to his friends with his rude behavior.

18. The teacher congratulated all the students for their final reports.

19. He must account to all the information in our report.

20. The teacher called at James to write the equation on the blackboard

21. I think we should put a flowers in this room.

22. There were a man and a woman with the room. An man was Indonesian, but a woman

looked foreign. She was wearing a fur coat and had blue eyes.

23. This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine. A newspaper is in my bag, but I

do not know where a magazine is.

24. We live in a old house in a middle of the village. There is a beautiful garden behind

the house. A roof of a house is in very bad condition.

25. A error is occurred in my computer so I can’t use it right now.

26. I’d love to drink many hot chocolate, please!

27. Have you got a few name tags?

28. My parents always be the one priority in my life

29. A little of you may not understand what we’re trying to say.

30. The teacher is giving a final speech before the long holiday. The room is so crowded.

There are much pupils in the classroom​

Bantu dong kk:(


30.the teacher id geving a final speech before the long holiday.the room is so crowded