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Practice on Grammar Focus

Practice 4

Choose the right answer

1.Fewer babies were born with birth defects … advances in prenatal care during this decade.

(A)Nevertheless (C) because of (E) yet

(B)Because (D) although

2.Basketball is popular in many countries. One reason for this is that it is inexpensive. A ball and a hoop are all you need .., it is exciting.

(A)Moreover (C) nevertheless (E) yet

(B)Unless (D) otherwise

3.Rina had to use her old computer … her father didn’t buy the new one.

(A)Although (C) nevertheless (E) otherwise

(B)However (D) in spite of

4.… an interest in history and geography is important in stamp collecting, it can promote international friendship.

(A)In spite of (C) because of (E) because

(B)But (D) despite

5.Everybody has emotions. They are the feeling you have. They help you to get the most of life and to face emergencies … they arise.

(A)Thus (B) as (C) when (D) since (E) hence

6.The road was wet and slippery, … there were many accidents there.

(A)Because (C) therefore (E) besides

(B)In addition (D) since

7.I live too far away to visit you often …, you are never home.

(A)Moreover (C) nevertheless (E) yet

Unless (D) otherwise

8.… the road to Oregon was too difficult, the others turned towards California.

(A)Although (C) since (E) otherwise

(B)However (D) in spite of

9…. our country needs industrial growth, I am for allowing the oil company to build a new referinary.

(A) In spite of (C) Because of (E) Because

(B) But (D) Despite of

10.He work as a lawyer … he finished his education.

(A) despite (C) whereas (E) in spite of

(B) however (D) after

11.His skill was so fascinating …, he solved the problem very rapidly.

(A) that (B) and (C) nor (D) after (E) until

12.My teacher is such an informative aducator … her students love to study with her.

(A) that (B) and (C) nor (D) after (E) until

13Eventhough I was often absent …

(A) I failed my final exam

(B) My gredes were always excellent

(C) My teacher didn’t allow me to join in the exam

(D) My graduation was delayed

(E) I got difficulty completing my study

14.John is a very lazy student; besides …

(A) he is good in extra-curricular activities

(B) he always does his homework

(C) he prefers studying until late at night

(D) he never pays attention in class

(E) he sometimes practisess English

15.The expensive treatment had been well researched; however …

(A) it cured the patient effectively

(D) it made the patient feel well

(B) it could comfort the patient

(E) it did not cause discomfort

(C) it was not very effective

16.Vera has recently been promoted to a top position in her company, although …

(A) she has a master’s degree in business

(B) she is relatively new in the company

(C) she has proved herself to be a good manager

(D) she has many years of experience

(E) she seems to have much self confidence

17.The hotel provides good facilities; yet, …

(A) the occupancy rate is very low

(B) foreign tourists like to stay there

(C) it is located on a beautiful beach

(D) on-the-job training is provided for the employees

(E) it is advertised in the yellow pages

18.People like to live in a peaceful would; nevertheless, …

(A) every conflict and diangreement should be avoided

(B) they try very hard to live in harmony

(C) coordination and cooperation are being conducted

(D) they come together to solve global problems

(E) there are still wars among many nations

19.The river is heavily polluted by industrial wastes; nevertheless, many people, …

(A) are still washing their clothes there

(B) complain about the danger theatening them

(C) have become the victims of it

(D) do not allow their children to plat there

(E) are greatly concerned about it

20.He earns much; therefore, he …

(A) works very hard for it

(B) is unable to meet his hardly necessities

(C) was careful in spending his money

(D) can afford to make a trip to Europe

(E) complains about his financial condition

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