Tolong cariin word ya

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1. The appearance of something in terms of a geometric figure such as a square, triangle, or rectangle

2. The way a living creature generally behaves or acts

3. A set of non-physical characteristics, such as a humorous, kind, or polite

4. A measure of spatial extent in a particular direction, such as height, width, breadth, or depth

5. The physique of a human body, such as muscular, thin, or sturdy

6. A distinguishing element of a face, such as an ice, a nose, or lips

7. The substance that something is made or composed of, such as wooden, plastic, or leather

8. The place where something is coming from, such as England, Indonesia, Banjarmasin, or Medan

9. Any nounal word of phrase which indicates a particular, person, place, class, or thing

10. The hairy coat of various mammal species, especially when fine, soft, and thick

Tolong cariin word ya

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi
  1. Geometric shape: Bentuk geometrik
  2. Behaviour: Tingkah laku
  3. Character: Karakter
  4. Dimension: Dimensi
  5. Physique: Fisik
  6. Facial feature: Fitur wajah
  7. Material: Bahan
  8. Origin: Asal usul
  9. Proper nouns: Kata benda tertentu
  10. Fur: Bulu


Berikut adalah terjemahan dari masing – masing definisinya:

  1. Geometric shape = The appearance of something in terms of a geometric figure such as a square, triangle, or rectangle: Penampilan sesuatu dari benda geometrik, seperti persegi, segitiga, atau persegi panjang.
  2. Behaviour = The way a living creature generally behaves or acts: Cara makhluk hidup secara umum bertingkah laku.
  3. Character = A set of non-physical characteristics, such as a humorous, kind, or polite: Satu set dari karakter non fisik seperti humoris, baik, atau sopan.
  4. Dimension = A measure of spatial extent in a particular direction, such as height, width, breadth, or depth: Ukuran dalam arah tertentu, seperti tinggi, lebar, ketebalan atau kedalaman.
  5. Physique = The physique of a human body, such as muscular, thin, or sturdy: Fisik dari tubuh manusia, seperti berotot kurus atau tegak.
  6. Facial feature = A distinguishing element of a face, such as an ice, a nose, or lips: Elemen pembeda dari wajah seperti hidung, bibir.
  7. Material = The substance that something is made or composed of, such as wooden, plastic, or leather: Zat bahwa sesuatu dibuat seperti kayu, plastik atau kulit.
  8. Origin = The place where something is coming from, such as England, Indonesia, Banjarmasin, or Medan: Tempat dimana sesuatu itu berasal, seperti Inggris, Indonesia, Banjarmasin, atau Medan.
  9. Proper Nouns = Any nounal word of phrase which indicates a particular, person, place, class, or thing: Kata atau frase yang mengindikasikan orang, tempat, kelas atau sesuatu secara tertentu.
  10. Fur = The hairy coat of various mammal species, especially when fine, soft, and thick: Bulu berambut dari spesies mamalia, khususnya ketika lembut, tebal, dan bagus.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

  1. Materi tentang contoh dari proper noun
  2. Materi tentang perbedaan fur dan feather
  3. Materi tentang arti dari fur


Detil jawaban

Kelas: SD

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Definisi Kata dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kode: –
