Bali, the fabled “Island of the Gods”, has been enchanting visitors for centuries with its rich culturaltraditions and spectacular panoramas. From lofty, misty enshrouded volcanoes and cool mountain lakesdown through terraced rice field to a golden strand lapped by

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waters, every square inch of Balioffers a fresh and unforgettable image.No less enchanting are its people, some 2.7 million souls whose artistry and piety are recognizedthroughout the world. Balinese Hinduism, a complex fusion of Indian cosmology, Tantric Buddhism andhomegrown mythology, is the primary faith of Bali's inhabitants, and so deeply woven into the fabric of their daily lives that the line between the spiritual and the material is blurry at best.

1. The topic of the text above is ______
A. Balinese life
B. Scenery in Bali
C. Tourism in Bali
D. Bali for recreation
E. Balinese art

2. What is The main idea of paragraph 2
A. Population in Bali
B. Bali's inhabitants
C. Balinese religion
D. Daily lives of Balinese
E. Balinese culture

Bali, the fabled “Island of the Gods”, has been enchanting visitors for centuries with its rich culturaltraditions and spectacular panoramas. From lofty, misty enshrouded volcanoes and cool mountain lakesdown through terraced rice field to a golden strand lapped by

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Understanding Descriptive Text

1. The topic of the text above is…

Jawaban: A. Balinese life

Penjelasan: Topik bacaan di atas menceritakan tentang kehidupan di Bali secara umum/general.

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

Jawaban: C. Balinese religion

Penjelasan: Pada paragraf kedua bacaan mulai mengarah pembahasannya tentang agama yang ada di Bali yakni Hindu.


Deskripsi tentang Pulau Bali di atas masuk dalam kategori descriptive text. Descriptive text adalah sebuah bacaan yang memberikan informasi mengenai suatu tempat, orang, binatang, dll. Pada descriptive text sifatnya lebih mengarah kepada penggambaran, pengungkapan secara detil dan penjelasan.

Generic structure dari descriptive text adalah:

  1. Identification => Pendahuluan, yakni gambaran umum suatu topik
  2. Description => Ciri-ciri tentang topik yang dibahas, sifat-sifat yang dimiliki, tampilan khas, dll.

Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang descriptive text:


Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMA kelas X

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Reading and writing descriptive text

Kata kunci : Bali, Place

Kode : 10.5.4

Gambar Jawaban