pada minggu lepas,dua orang budak sedang berjalan kaki untuk pulang ke rumah dari sekolah.mereka berdua pulang lambat dari sekolah.Mereka berjalan kaki di sepanjang jalan.tiba- tiba mereka ternampak sarang lebah yang sangat besar di atas pokok.Ali mengambil batu di tepi jalan.Dia hendak membaling batu ke arah sarang lebah itu.Sarang lebah itu pecah.Ali dan Aiman berlari laju kerana takut disengat oleh lebah yang banyak itu.Tetapi mereka berdua tidak sempat melarikan diri.kemudian lebah itu terbang ke arah Ali dan Aiman lalu menyengat mereka berdua.Badan Ali dan Aiman bengak kerana disengat oleh lebah itu.Mereka menyesal kerana ganggu sarang lebah itu.Ali berjanji tidak akan buat lagi.Tiba di rumah,mereka berdua dimarahi oleh ibu bapa mereka.
In the last week, 2 sons were walking to go home from school. they were late to go home. they were walking along the way. suddenly they looked a big honeycomb. Ali took the stone rock in the side of road. he threw the stone to the honeycomb. the honeycomb was broken. Ali and Aiman ran for fear of being stung by the many bees. but both of them didn't have time to escape.then the bees flew towards Ali and Aiman then stung them both. Ali and Aiman's body was swollen to be stung by the bees. they regret having disturbed the honeycomb. they promised not to make anymore.. at home,, they are both scolded by their parents.
Last week,two boys where on their way home form school . they both went home late form school . they were walking along the srteet .then they saw a very large honeycomb on the tree.ali took a stone at the edge he wants to trowh a stone towards the honeycomb.the bee is broken.ali and aiman ran fast because they were afraid of being stung by the maany bees.but they both did not escape.then the bees flew toward ali and aiman and stung them both.bani ali and aiman were stung because of the bees stung.they were sorry for disturbing the honeycomb.ali promised not do it again.arriving at home,they both were scolded by their perents