A. Poems B. Lyrics
C. Poetry
D. Verses
E. Poets
35. A song normally includes …
A. Words and vocals
C. An intro and lyrics
E. Verses and lyrics
B. Lyrics and chorus
D. Lyrics and a prelude
36. The repeated part of a song is referred to as …
A. An interlude
B. A forward C. A prelude D. A chorus E. A choir
37. A song normally begins with …
A. A choir B. A preface C. A forward D. An intro E. A verse
38. Songs are universal language. This means …
A. They can be enjoyed by certain people. D. They can be enjoyed by a few people.
B. They can be enjoyed by everyone.
E. Everyone can translate them.
Only the speakers of the language know them.
39. A management college is turning to Shakespeare for lessons on …
A. How survive in business. D. How to survive in business E. How being survive in business
B. How surviving in business. E. How is survive in business
tert is for number 40 until 43.
34. The words of a song are known as …
34. B. lyrics
35. C. an intro and lyrics
36. D. Chorus
37. D. an intro
38. B they can enjoyed by everyone
39. D. how to survive in bussiness
34. B. Lyrics
35. E. Verses and Lyrics
36. D. A chorus
37. D. An Intro
38. B. They can be enjoyed by everyone
39. D. How to survive in business