19. Please, … the floor after you sweep! The floor is dirty.

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a wash
b. take
c. open
20. Mr. John feels pain in his throat. He has a …
a. backache
b. eyeshore
c. sore throat
II. Fill in the blanks
1. Mrs. Tika is Yulia's aunt. Yulia is Mrs. Tika's
2. His job is to fly a plane. He is a
3. The biggest star in solar system is ..
4. 16.456 in English is ……
5. This vehicle has no engine and has two wheels. It is a ….
III. Give the correct answer.
This reading text is for number 1-2
Read the following text carefully!
Yesterday Salsa and her father went to a fruits market. It was a very big marke​

19. Please, … the floor after you sweep! The floor is dirty.


19. A,wash

20. C, sore throat

fill in the blanks

1. niece

2. pilot

3. the sun

4. sixteen thousand four hundred and fifty six

5. bicycle


smga membantu ^^


19. A. Wash

20. C. Sore throat

1. Niece

2. Pilot

3. The Sun

4. Sixteen thousand four hundred fifty six

5. Bicycle