Complete the following sentences using much or many.

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1. I waited for ………………… hours.
2. She was won ……………….. awards.
3. How ………………… do you need?
4. There aren’t ………………… houses in this area.
5. She has got ……………….. friends.
6. You didn’t eat ……………….. breakfast.
7. She can speak ……………….. languages.
8. I don’t know ………………….. about computers.
9. ………………….. has been written about the causes of poverty and unemployment.
10. You have made too ………………. mistakes in this essay.
11. I like him very ………………….
12. ……………….. people think it is time for a change
13. Jane hasn't got ………..time.
14. Do you know …………….words in English?
15. He didn't eat ……………… meat.
16. There isn't …………..butter in the fridge.
17. How …………………eggs did the hens lay?
18. Samantha has as …………….money as Bruce.
19. How ………………lessons do you have on Mondays?
20. There was too …………….noise in the streets.

Complete the following sentences using much or many.

1. Many
2. Many
4. Many
5. Many
6. Many
7. Many
9. –
10. Much
12. Many
14. –

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