Ku kasih jwbn terbaik
1)Jumlah orang muda yang merokok meningkat
2)Fasilitas pendidikan yang masih memprihatinkan
3 . aturan emisi gas
4. Bully disekolh
5.Haruskah siswa memakai seragam di sekolah
Pake b. Indo gakpp
Plis jawab yang remidial ya
1) I think young people should stop smoking because, smoking is not only bad for our health, but for our environment too, people who wants to smell the fresh air get disturbed by smelling the bad cigarette smoke
2) I think the government should try to focus to increase the education system first no matter what, because education is important for our generation
3) The gas emission sometimes go up and sometimes it's going down too. My opinion is maybe we shouldn't protest the increasing price of the gas because if the price is too low, we could run out of gas in the future
4) Bullying shouldn't be allowed in school, because it can reduce our mental and physical health
5) Yes, so that we know what school is the student from, and it's kind of good to see it has the same appearance