✓ Subject and Verb pada masing-masing clause
✓ Connector
✓ Adjective clause
a. I know the man whose bicycle was stolen
b. The girl who won the race is happy
c. I am using a sentence which contains an adjective clause.
d. The students who sit in front row are from Brazil.
e. Mr. John has sculpture whose value is inestimable.
bantu saya kakak
2. Dalam kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini, tentukan:
a. subject = I, verb = know, connector = whose, adjective clause = whose bicycle was stolen
b. subject = the girl, verb = is, connector = who, adjective clause = who won the race
c. subject = I, verb = am using, connector = which, adjective clause = which contains an adjective clause
d. subject = the students, verb = are, connector = who, adjective clause = who sit in front row
e. subject = Mr John, verb = has, connector = whose, adjective clause = whose value is inestimable