We can learn if the class is not noisy. My friends and l know very well that we must not be noisy. We must respect our friends who ate working seriously. We must not chat and talk very loundly in class. We must keep our voice low. We must not play around. We must work at our desks most of the time apa b. Indonesianya adalah

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We can learn if the class is not noisy. My friends and l know very well that we must not be noisy. We must respect our friends who ate working seriously. We must not chat and talk very loundly in class. We must keep our voice low. We must not play around. We must work at our desks most of the time apa b. Indonesianya adalah

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Kami bisa belajar jika kelas tidak berisik. Temanku dan aku tahu betul bahwa kami harus tidak berisik. Kami harus menghormati teman yang mengerjakan dengan serius. Kami tidak bolejmh bercakap – cakap dan berbicara sangat keras di kelas. Kami harus menjaga suara kami kecil. Kami tidak boleh bermain – main. Kami harus mengerjakan di bangku kami kebanyakan waktu.