Ubahlah kalimat active ke kalimat pasive

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1.) Active:Ira likes Amir

Passive: Amir ia liked by Ira

2,)active:my mother buys Some mangoes in the market


3.)active we study English every week


4.) active we clean Our class every day


5.)they play voly ball on the yard


Ubahlah kalimat active ke kalimat pasive

  • Some mangos are bought by my mother in the market
  • (Beberapa mangga dibeli oleh ibuku di pasar)
  • English is studied by us every week
  • (Pelajaran bahasa inggris dipelajari oleh kami setiap pekan)
  • Our class is cleaned by us every day
  • (Kelas kami dibersihkan oleh kami setiap hari)
  • Volley ball is played by them on the yard
  • (Permainan Bola voli dimainkan oleh mereka di lapangan)

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