50. Amanda Linda Amanda Linda : I have not seen Cintya for two days. Where has she been? : Cintya has been …. : Why did she go to those places? : She bought some new clothes, got her passport and ordered some traveller’s cheks. : Is she going somewhere? : Yes. Next month she is going to Australia to visit Tina. Amanda Linda a. to market and post office b. to the bank, police station and ma’l c. to the mall, the bank and custom duty d. to the shopping center, the passport office and the bank​

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50. Amanda Linda Amanda Linda : I have not seen Cintya for two days. Where has she been? : Cintya has been …. : Why did she go to those places? : She bought some new clothes, got her passport and ordered some traveller’s cheks. : Is she going somewhere? : Yes. Next month she is going to Australia to visit Tina. Amanda Linda a. to market and post office b. to the bank, police station and ma’l c. to the mall, the bank and custom duty d. to the shopping center, the passport office and the bank​

d. to the shopping center, the passport office and the bank

Bought some new clothes → Mall

Got her passport → Passport office

Ordered some traveller's checks → Bank