Write 2 sentences with using pattern present continuous tense.

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2. write 2 sentences with using pattern past continuous tense

3. write 2 sentences with using future continuous tense.

4. write simple dialogue with using one of the continuous tense. write dialogue based on this picture below.

Write 2 sentences with using pattern present continuous tense.


1. Buatlah 2 kalimat dengan menggunakan pola present continuous tense.

  1. I am reading a book = (aku sedang membaca buku)
  2. They are playing basketball = (mereka sedang bermain basket)

2. Buatlah 2 kalimat dengan menggunakan pola past continuous tense

  1. I was eating when my mom calls me = (aku sedang makan ketika ibuku menelpon)
  2. They were playing football = (mereka sedang bermain sepak bola)

3. Buatlah 2 kalimat dengan menggunakan future continuous tense.

  1. I will be visiting my uncle = (aku akan mengunjungi pamanku)
  2. We will be traveling around the world = (kami akan bepergian keliling dunia)

4. no picture / tidak ada gmbar


1. Present Continuous Tense adalah kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung. Berikut rumusnya ↓↓↓

Present Continuous Tense formula :

  • S + (am/is/are) + V1(ing) + O
  • Am = I
  • Is = He, She, It
  • Are = You, They, We

2. Past Continuous Tense adalah kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa lampau. Berikut rumusnya ↓↓↓

Past Continuous Tense formula :

  • S + was/were + V1(ing) + O
  • Was = I, He, She, It
  • Were = You, They, We

3. Future Continuous Tense merupakan kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa depan. Berikut rumusnya ↓

Future Continuous Tense formula :

  • S + will+ be + Verb(ing)

semoga membantu^^


