Azab is thirteen years old. He lives in Niger, in West Africa, but he doesn’t live in a village or town. His family doesn’t have a house. Azab is a Wodaabe nomad. They are more than 40.000 Wodaabe people in the Niger. They live in simple tents and they travel every two or three day. They follow the rain and move to place with water and grass for their cattle. The cows are very important for the Wodaabe people because cow’s milk is their main food. They make yoghurt and butter with the milk and when they are near a village, they sell the milk and buy other food. How old Azab’? artinya

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Azab is thirteen years old. He lives in Niger, in West Africa, but he doesn’t live in a village or town. His family doesn’t have a house. Azab is a Wodaabe nomad. They are more than 40.000 Wodaabe people in the Niger. They live in simple tents and they travel every two or three day. They follow the rain and move to place with water and grass for their cattle. The cows are very important for the Wodaabe people because cow’s milk is their main food. They make yoghurt and butter with the milk and when they are near a village, they sell the milk and buy other food. How old Azab’? artinya

Azab berusia tiga belas tahun. Dia tinggal di Niger, di Afrika Barat, tapi dia tidak tinggal di desa atau kota. Keluarganya tidak memiliki rumah. Azab adalah seorang pengembaraf Wodaabe. Mereka adalah lebih dari 40.000 orang Wodaabe di Niger. Mereka tinggal di tenda sederhana dan mereka bepergian setiap dua atau tiga hari. Mereka mengikuti hujan dan pindah ke tempat dengan air dan rumput untuk ternak mereka. Sapi sangat penting bagi masyarakat Wodaabe karena susu sapi adalah makanan utama mereka. Mereka membuat yoghurt dan mentega dengan susu dan ketika mereka berada di dekat desa, mereka menjual susu dan membeli makanan lain. Berapa umur Azab?

asal Nigeria

umur:tiga belas tahun

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