Buatlah dialog suggest dan offer

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Buatlah dialog suggest dan offer

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori : suggestion and offer
Kata kunci: suggestion and offer, dialogue

suggestion is to give an idea
example: let's play/ shall we play?

offer is to offer a help.
example: shall I/ would you like me to help you?

G: Seamus, have you got any plans this weekend?
S: Not really, Gunther, what shall we do then?
G: Hmm, let me see. Oh, I just remember, I've got tickets for UEFA Super Cup match, shall we go there?
S: What?? why didn't you tell me earlier. Of course we shall. How did you get them?
G: Oh, my brother's girlfriend works for UEFA main office. She was given 3 free tickets, but she doesn't like football so there's one free.
S: Hmm, so, we'll go with your brother then?
G: Yeah, shall I pick you up at 5 pm? The match starts at 7.30 pm.
S: OK, that'll be great, man, thanks a lot. I've always wanted to see MU vs Real Madrid.
G: No problem.