Write Down Some Advice and Tips While during a COVID19

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Write Down Some Advice and Tips While during a COVID19


When the coronavirus pandemic began, we were figuring out how to stay safe, how to stay home and how this was going to affect our lives in the long run. Now that we have better answers to many of these questions, new ones have surfaced. How can I stay healthy while interacting with others? How can I prevent the spread of this disease? What can I do if I’ve lost a job? How can I explain this to my kids? Simply, how can I live in this new normal?

Penjelasan:maaf kalau salah

                    Tips And Advice During COVID19

-Wash Your Hands With Soap For 20 Minutes, And Dry Them For 30 Seconds

-Wear a Mask When Your Outside

-Social Dinstancing, Up To 1,6 meter or 2,6

-Dont Touch Your Mask Too Much

-If You Have A Person In Your House That Has Corona Virus, Dont Get Too Close, You Might Spread The Virus

-After Someone Came To Your House, Brush, Clean, Mop The Floors, The Person Might Spread the virus If you Don't Clean

-If You Have Classes Or Work, Its Better To Use Google Meet, Zoom, Face time, Google Classrom and Others


  #Stay Safe, Stay At Home, And Dont Forget To Wash Your Hands!

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