SOAL Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat PASSIVE VOICE 1. Somebody stole my car yesterday 2. I wiil paint the wall tomorrow 3. The boy can answer all the question 4. The man repairs the motorcycle 5. They are building a new house at the moment​

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SOAL Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat PASSIVE VOICE 1. Somebody stole my car yesterday 2. I wiil paint the wall tomorrow 3. The boy can answer all the question 4. The man repairs the motorcycle 5. They are building a new house at the moment​



1) My car were stolen by somebody yesterday.

2) The wall will be painted by me tomorrow.

3) All the question can be answered by the boy.

4) The motorcycle is repaired by the man.

5) A new house are being built by them at the moment.


I hope this help

Please, jangan dihapus