Tusukkan setiap buah sosis ke dalam tusuk sate. Sisihkan.
Pelapis: Dalam sebuah wadah, aduk rata air hangat, ragi, dan gula pasir. Diamkan selama 5 – 10 menit hingga berbuih.
Masukkan tepung terigu dan garam, aduk rata.
Ambil 1 buah sosis, celupkan pada adonan pelapis sambil dililit perlahan agar memiliki ketebalan yang sama.
Segera goreng sosis dalam minyak banyak panas hingga matang dan kecokelatan. Angkat dan tiriskan. siap disajikan
Insert each piece of sausage into a skewer. Set aside.
Coating: In a bowl, mix warm water, yeast, and sugar together. Let stand for 5-10 minutes until foamy.
Add flour and salt, mix well.
Take 1 piece of sausage, dip it in the coating mixture while gently twisting it so that it has the same thickness.
Immediately fry the sausages in a lot of hot oil until cooked and browned. Lift and drain. ready to be served
Insert each piece of sausage into a skewer. Set aside.
Coating: In a bowl, mix warm water, yeast, and sugar together. Let stand for 5-10 minutes until foamy.
Add flour and salt, mix well.
.take 1 piece of sausage, dip it in the coating mixture while gently twisting it so that it has the same thickness.
Immediately fry the sausages in a lot of hot oil until cooked and browned. Lift and drain. ready to serve.
maaf kalau salah
#semoga membantu 🙂