Make a response of accepting or refusing apologize based on the expressions below!

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1. A:"I hope you'II forgive me for being late. I had a flat tire."

2. A:"Please accept my apologies for the mistakes in the report. I forgot to check it."

3. A:"I(Would like to) apologize for shouting at you yesterday. I lost control of myself."

4. A:"Excuse me! I didn't realize this was your seat/newspaper."

5. A:"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to keep your book so long."

Tolong jawab secepat nya, plisss
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Make a response of accepting or refusing apologize based on the expressions below!

1.B : Okay,Its Fine
2.B : Okay,But Please Be More Sure About A Report That Your Going To Sent
3.B: Its nothing
4.B: Oh,Its Fine
5.B : Yep,Its Alright,But Please Return The Next Book You Will Bring From Me,ThankYour