1. I didn’t find anyone in the house

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2. she didn't lock the door when she left the house
3. how you come to the remote place?
4. The fog soon Dissapearer when the sun began to shine.
ubah kedalam kalimat Positive, introgative, dan negatif masing2 Dari no 1 sampai 4

1. I didn’t find anyone in the house

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. (-)
(+) I found someone in the house.
(?) Did you find anyone in the house?

2. (-)
(+) She locked the door when she left the house.
(?( Did she lock the door when she left the house?

3. (?)
(+) I come to the remote place by bus.
(-) I don't come to the remote place by bus.

4. (+)
(-) The fog didn't soon disappear when the sun began to shine.
(?) Did the fog soon disappear when the sun began to shine?