1. Whendid they go to Banyumas?

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02. How did theygo to b here?
3 was the writher sad on the way?
14. What did the writer do on the first day?
5. What was the popular place in porwokerto?
6. What is the meaning of private activities on 2nd paragraph?
7. What did they call the cere
eremony to say thanks toged?
& Why was the writer score with ebeg ?
9. When did the writer take the lats Foto ?
oded the writer enjoy the holiday in the village?​

1. Whendid they go to Banyumas?



1. Kapan mereka pergi ke Banyumas?

02. Bagaimana mereka pergi keb di sini?

3 apakah menggeliat sedih dalam perjalanan?

14. Apa yang dilakukan si penulis pada hari pertama?

5. Apa tempat yang populer di porwokerto?

6. Apa artinya kegiatan pribadi di paragraf 2?

7. Apa yang mereka sebut ceres Eremony mengucapkan terima kasih toged?

& mengapa penulis skor dengan ebeg?

9. Kapan penulis mengambil Foto lats?

Oded penulis menikmati liburan di desa?