Plisssssss jawab ya kak

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Plisssssss jawab ya kak

Plisssssss jawab ya kak

1. Sisca always go to school every morning
2. My father usually read a news paper white drinking coffee in the morning
3. She not speak Indonesian because she comes from England
4. She let you go?
5. I hate living in your city, because it always be cold
6. They always come late
7. You have some money? I need it
8. I not (don't) know who you are
9. The sun arise every morning
10. He never visit his child on saturday

Kurang lebihnya mohon maaf, semoga membantu..

1. go
2. read
3. not
4. let
6. come
7. have
8. know
9. arise
10. visit

maaf klo salah 🙂