Descriptive tentang harimau dalam bahasa inggris

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Descriptive tentang harimau dalam bahasa inggris

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Tiger or they say in Latin: Panthera tigris is an animal included to the Chordata phylum classification, vertebrate subfylum, class of mammals, meat eaters (carnivores), family of felidae (cats).

Tigers are the largest cat of their species, even larger than lions. Tiger is also the second fastest cat in running, after the cheetah. In all carnivores classification, tigers are the largest carnivorous cat and the third largest carnivore after polar bears and brown bears.

Tigers usually hunt for rather large prey such as Sambar deer, wild pigs, or mouse deer. However, tigers will hunt small animals such as porcupines if they don't find any large prey. Although they come from the same family, tigers are different from ordinary small cats, tigers love to swim, and basically cats are afraid of water.

Tiger is known as the biggest cat, the tiger is like a lion but is a little heavier. Different tiger subspecies have different characteristics also, in general male tigers weigh between 180 and 320 kg and females weigh between 120 and 180 kg. The male length is between 2.6 and 3.3 meters, while the females are between 2.3 and 2.75 meters. Among the subspecies that are still alive, Sumatran tigers are the smallest and the largest are Siberian tigers.

Black dots on most tigers have gradient or solid colour from brown to black. The shape and density of the camouflage varies from one subspecies to another, but almost all tigers have more than 100 camouflage. The Javan tiger which is now extinct is likely to have more dots. The unique dots pattern of each tiger can be used to distinguish one another, similar to the fingerprint function used to identify people. Looks like the dots other functions are for camouflage, to hide them from their prey.


Demikianlah deskripsi singkat dari harimau dalam bahasa Inggris, berikut ini saya cantumkan contoh – contoh kalimat dengan bahasa Inggris menggunakan kata harimau

  • He said he was still full of energy, though not like the young tiger of old, but still enough to fight.
  • As it happens, Cato is a fierce tiger when it comes to advocating for oppressed tobacco firms.
  • Eve fought like a tiger , and finally freed herself of him, pushing him away from her.
  • Because the tiger had become so rare, it had become an extremely valuable commodity in the black markets of Asia.
  • My two year old was so tired she was falling down, but fought like a tiger not to have to go to bed.
  • despite his wound, he still fought like a tiger
  • Angela stepped up now, as blunt and determined as a pacing tiger .
  • Brandy was mad now, her eyes had turned to narrow slits and her ears were laid back on her head, she represented a fierce tiger and Millie trembled again.
  • despite his wound, he still fought like a tiger
  • The big cats you find outside Africa include tiger , jaguar, leopard, cougar and Iberian lynx

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Deskripsi Gajah Bhs Inggris


Detail Jawaban

Class          : 7

Subject      : English Language

Chapter     : Vocabulary

Code          : 7.5.5

Keywords  : Harimau, Kata, Definisi, Istilah, English, Indonesian