Buatlah dialog bahasa Inggris berjumlah 3 orang (congratulations)mininal dialog >> 15​

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Buatlah dialog bahasa Inggris berjumlah 3 orang (congratulations)mininal dialog >> 15​


How to say congratulation in English:

Please accept my warmest congratulations! (tolong terima ucapan selamat hangat saya)

I’d like to be the first to congratulate you on …. (saya ingin jadi yang pertama menucapkan selamat atas…)

It was great to hear ….(luar biasa mendengar …..

I must congratulate you. (saya harus mengucapkan selamat kepada kamu)

May I congratulate you on …(Bolekah saya mengucapkan selamat atas..)

Congratulations on your .. (Selamat atas …….)

Congratulations! (Selamat!)

Please accept my warmest congratulations (Terimalah ucapan selamatku)

Let me offer you my congratulations. (Aku ucapkan selamat)

I’d like to congratulate you on … (Aku ingin memberi selamat atas …)

Let me congratulate you on… (Biar aku memberi selamat atas…)

Congratulations on your … (Selamat atas…)

I should compliment you on your… (Aku harus mengucapkan selamat…)

I’m glad for you! (Aku amat bahagia atasmu!)

Good for you! (Selamat!)oby : Hi, Don. I heard that you got the best grades in this year exams, didn’t you?

Dony : That’s right.

Boby : Congratulations!

Dony : Thank you.

Dony’s father : Well done, Don. I’m very proud of you.

Dony’s mother : I’m glad to hear that.

Dony : Thank you, Dad, Mom
